Fitbit Field Tester Sign-Up

This is the Fitbit Field Testing Community and we'd like to invite you to be a part of this exciting experience! By being a community member, you get to see products in early stages of development and your feedback will influence the course of future products.

This community is open to everyone who wants to help improve our products through Field Testing. By joining this community you'll be eligible to be invited to future field testing programs as they become available.

To be considered for this community and all field tests, you must be willing to:

  1. Complete your online Tester Profile
  2. Complete an online Fitbit Field Testing Agreement confirming that you will not share any information associated with this site
  3. Provide any and all feedback via this website while participating in a program

Due to interest, verification emails are sent in batches. Please be patient - it may take a little bit to receive your verification email but it's on its way.